Capisco Fitout Seating: What We Learned in 2020

After a crazy and challenging year in 2020, all of us here at Capisco Fitout Seating had the chance to reflect on the good things the year brought us. Specifically, our key learnings from those turbulent few months and how it made us all stronger both individually and as a team.


“There is no rainbow without the rain. This year has taught me to love, to listen, to care, and to help. It is good to get things done on your own, but it is better to get through it with someone. Phone calls, emails and text messages mean a lot more these days. Pick up the phone and reach out to someone”. -SA

Compassion is an expression of understanding and caring for another individual. Because of the pandemic, each one of us learned how to treat the people around us with more sympathy. Simple things such as checking up on each other while we were all working from our own homes meant a lot – be it through call, text or WhatsApp.

Isolation, worry, and stress were a few of the things that each of us were going through so knowing that we had a team to count on during tough times made everything much more bearable.



“I have learned that you need to be able to adapt to changing situations and change”. -TR


“I’ve learned to focus on what I can control and by doing so I have become flexible and agile with changes both at work and with my personal life”. -AS


“I learned that embracing change and learning how to adapt is essential for both the business and its employees”. -HV

Grit means having passion and perseverance amidst hardship. Without a doubt, most businesses from various industries experienced adversity in the past few months.

What sets our team apart is our dedication to succeed no matter how hard things may seem. On our most difficult days, we constantly tried to find ways to get back up and adapt to the new normal so we could continue our mission of providing zero backpain in the workplace.



“I learned the importance and value of face-to-face interaction in regard to productivity and efficiency”. -HT


I learnt that a successful business is built on the integrity of its employees, the value proposition to our customers and maintaining a strong future relationship”. -TJ


“I learnt that there isn’t any substitute for communication & in uncertain & testing times there gets to be increased communication” & “speaking rather than emailing / messaging is just so much better!” -JM 

As cliché as it may sound, teamwork is everything. Being able to actively incorporate teamwork within the company, despite the world’s crazy state, is something that we’re proud of as a business. Having the sense of shared responsibility and a single goal is what kept the team intact and stronger. Because of this, a feeling of accountability, self-accomplishment, creativity and joy within all of us has been nurtured and reinforced.


Going into 2021, we are stronger and more appreciative of the year ahead than ever and are more than thrilled to be working with all of you in any way we can.

How Workplaces Are Changing

As we will never forget, around March of 2020, Australia started feeling the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. As cases began to rise, restrictions and curfews were implemented across borders, and offices were forced to shift in a work from home set up.

As some of you may know, Capisco Fitout Seating is a local business in regional Victoria. As a result of this, our office staff had to start working from home to adhere to social distancing measures. Only the staff at the factory continued to work onsite in order to keep the production and deliveries going.

During these trying times, our team has learned a lot about how the workplace has changed.


1) Mindfulness is not necessarily a bad thing after all

When we’ve asked one of our colleagues the simple question: “What do you think changed here in the office after being in lockdown for more than 3 months?” Her quick response was, “there’s less people in here and we’re more aware of the things around us”.

From her response we learn that people in the workplace are just more cautious and aware now. The constant washing and sanitising of hands, keeping a distance from another co-worker, and just practicing proper hygiene religiously are just a few of the things that will now be part of everyone’s normal routine.



2) The importance of overcoming social isolation and disconnection

After a few months of working at home, with no colleagues around, there were definitely times when things got tough and lonely for the members of our team. The feeling of being secluded can often result into either exhaustion from too much work or can even affect one’s mental health.

With this in mind, employers are now becoming more proactive in watching over their people through clear communication efforts such as: Structured team meetings, team engagements for collaboration, having fun, non-work-related activities and discussions. In this way, employers, managers and team members would all have a sense of connection rather than being disengaged from one another.

In photo: Elf in the shelf makes an appearance at one of our zoom calls just to drive engagement and excitement with the employees


3) Finding the right balance between individual flexibility and good leadership

For some companies, a work-from-home situation can be a walk in the park (call centres, online teaching etc). But for those of us who are new to this and value face-to-face collaboration, it can be a bit tricky.

We’re thankful that this pandemic has taught us how to cope in situations like this. Our sales staff learned how to better empathize with our customers and clients as we were all going through the same thing in this current climate. Their calls weren’t about selling but rather just there to keep the relationship active and let them know that we were there for them.

And this is all thanks to our sales staff being able to have that freedom and individual flexibility. They weren’t pressured to do hardcore sales calls but were given the freedom to explore different ways on how to connect with our customers.

On the other hand, it’s easy for managers to have the tendency of micromanaging their team because they can’t see them physically. Good leadership is about trusting your people and not about dictating and checking each and every move they make.


In closing, workplaces have changed and are continuing to change. But what our current circumstance has taught us are these 3 key things: mindfulness, overcoming social isolation, and balancing both individual flexibility and good leadership.

Home Office Design Ideas to Keep You Productive All Day Long

With working from home being part of today’s “new normal,” Capisco is here to share some ideas on how to spice up your home office to keep you inspired and creative throughout the day.

On top of that, we’ll recommend the perfect chair for your office space design.

Office Idea #1: Minimalist & Clean

For the person who thrives on a peaceful and uncluttered space, this is the office design for you. The monochromatic tones and soft lighting serve as a blank canvas for all your creative and day-to-day work. Perfect for your minimalist and clean office is the white Italian Chair with a four-timber leg frame.  There is also an option for a seat pad to provide extra comfort.

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Office Idea #2: Pop of colour

For the one who gets inspiration and energy from being surrounded by colour, this might be the right workspace for you. You might be the type of person who sees ideas, images, and words through different objects and colours. In that case, bringing those into your office may be the best thing to happen for your productivity and creativity. Check out our newly released Olive Green Rhythm Chairs – they might be colour you’re looking for.  We also have navy, grey, brown, black and tan leather.

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Office Idea #3: Modern & Futuristic

For the modern and fresh mind, this is the office look might be the one you need. It’s amazing what can happen when form and function come together — very useful, but satisfying to look at as well. If this is the type of look for your productivity, then might we just suggest the Woodgrain Laugh Chair that’s perfect for the space.  There is an option for a black seat pad for extra comfort.

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Office Idea #4: Vintage Feels

If you’re feeling nostalgic and would like a vintage-looking home office, the use of rustic furniture could help you achieve that look. You could explore purchasing real vintage items from op-shops & vintage stores. Moreover, warm tones and colours would look great in this kind of setting so our Tan Italian Stitched Chairs would be perfect. Adding neutral tones such as whites and creams around the office also helps bring out the vintage vibes.

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 Office Idea #5: Office with A View

Imagine working with a view! Just sitting in front of a beach, a garden, or a mountain – that would be the dream. But you could also station your desk in front of lush greenery and that would be just as relaxing. Adding furniture that matches & complements your chosen view is important to achieve that overall office look you are aiming for. Our white Memory stitched could be a great option for your office with a view.

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Capisco offers a wide range of chairs for various fitout projects and environments. We also do custom upholstery for all kinds of chairs. Just send us an email at or call 03 9020 7299.

All of our products come with a Capisco Lifetime Guarantee!

Capisco’s response to COVID-19

In light of the reintroduction of restrictions in Victoria & some other states in Australia, we would like to reassure all our clients and partners of the measures we are taking to control the spread of the virus. Our number one priority is to ensure the health and safety of our team, customers and the rest of the community.

Our headquarters are located outside of Metropolitan Melbourne, which means that our business is operating as usual.

We are taking extra measures to ensure everyone’s safety through the following:

1) All of our staff & workers are wearing gloves & masks

2) Social distancing measures are highly observed

3) Fast & Contactless delivery has been implemented ever since March

People are the heart of our business. Therefore, we are doing everything that we can to cater to your needs through fast production of high-quality chairs to suit your project and at the same time look after everyone’s health and safety.

We express our utmost gratitude for everyone’s continuous support for local businesses like us during this unprecedented time. Our people are fully committed to meeting your chair needs and requirements.